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Introducing: A Day in the Life

My friends always ask me:

"What it is like to be an agent?"

They get excited thinking that I set my own schedule, but worry that I lose my weekends. Some think I sit in an office all day, others wonder if I ever get out of my car. The truth is, all of those things are somewhat true, and so much more.

Sometimes explaining what I do all day, would take, well, all day. So, I thought it would be fun to do a pictorial series that shows exactly what I do. Some will be exciting events, some will be what you might call mundane tasks. Some of my posts will confirm what you know about real estate agents, others--I hope--show you a different side, and most importantly show you what sets me apart from the other agents.

I hope you will follow along, comment, and if you are with me while I am doing my job, join in on the posting.

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